Press the F2 function key on the keyboard to rename the folder. How will we do it? Well, we will use the NULL character to give this folder a blank name. Now, we will rename this folder and give it a blank name. SEE ALSO: How to Add Desktop Icons in Windows 7 and XP? Step 2: Rename the Folder with a Blank Name Right-click on Desktop and Select New > FolderĪ new folder will be created on the Desktop. So, right-click on the Desktop, and choose New > Folder to make a new folder. You can also do this with an existing folder but for tutorial’s sake, we are creating a new folder. Step 1: Create a New Folderįirst of all, we need to create a new folder. Let’s check the steps about how to create an invisible folder in Windows. SEE ALSO: How to Create Undeletable, Unsearchable Folders in Windows? Create Invisible Folders in Windows You can even click on it to open it in the invisible state. But whenever you hover the mouse over it, you can see the folder’s details. It will still be there but you won’t see it. If you make an invisible folder in Windows, it won’t necessarily be hidden. Only you know where the folder is located, so only you can open that folder. But have you ever thought about making an invisible folder in Windows to keep your data? If you make your folder invisible, even after enabling show hidden files, your folder won’t be visible to anyone. How do you avoid public access to your files? By hiding it? Well, this is the most common thing that people do.